
Woven: a method in which threads or strips of material are interlaced affecting the characteristic of the cloth or fabric, making it whole. 

 We are better together.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 -10 teaches us that two are better than one. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. We were not meant to walk through life’s joys and troubles alone! Proverbs 27:9 tells us that sweet friendships refresh our souls. 

Our goal is to create an authentic community of women who are committed to following Jesus and encouraging one another. As we grow together we become woven women, laced together not divided, disconnected, unfastened, or untwined. 

We offer a variety of women’s events including: weekly bible studies, game nights, Saturday brunch, craft parties, camping trips and large-scale ministry events. 

We hope you’ll join us soon!

Tuesday AM Study 11 AM

Starts January 7th

Jada Edwards


Get the Book

Video & Group discussion

11 am at Annie Brown’s house

JOIN OUR Weekly Studies

Tuesday pm Study 6:30 PM

John Believe I Am

Megan Fate Marshman

Get the Book

Video & Group Discussion

6:30-8:00 pm at VCF Youth room

Child Care Provided

Women’s Events

Ladies Bunco

3rd Friday of the month

January 17 | 6-8 pm

$10 buy in, bring a dish to share!

past adventures