Health Policies
For the safety and health of all children in our care and VCF Kidz volunteers, we ask that you refrain from checking your children into an event if any of the following symptoms are present:
Fever (a fever is defined as anything above 100 F. A child must be fever free without the aid of a fever-reducing substance)
Sore Throat
Rash, open wounds
Colored discharge from eyes or nose
Diarrhea in the last 24 hours
Vomiting in the last 24 hours
Chronic coughing or other respiratory distress
Irritability - continuous crying that requires more attention and care than we can safely provide without harming the health, safety or well-being of other children in our care
Started antibiotics within the last 24 hours
We want to ensure that every experience your child has in VCF KIDZ is a great one! When they are not feeling well, new environments, caregivers, and situations can create more stress and discomfort. If you have any questions, ask a VCF KIDZ Leader.